Rev. Darrell Kostiha, Pastor
[email protected]
The sacrament of Holy Orders is the activity by which a man commits his life to serve the Church. Holy Orders is a three-fold sacrament in that it includes ordination to the diaconate, the priesthood and to the office of Bishop. A deacon is ordained for service and can perform marriages, baptisms, assist at the altar during Mass and performs other rituals in the Church. When a man is ordained to the priesthood, he is given the responsibility and the power to offer Mass (the Eucharist), forgive sins, administer the other sacraments and care for the spiritual lives of the people he serves. When a Bishop is ordained, he accepts the responsibility to administer his diocese and has the personal jurisdiction as a successor of the apostles over the people in his diocese.
If you feel called to the diaconate or priesthood, please contact Fr. Darrell.